Ways to Practice Dhikr:
Please make an effort to follow this repeatedly at all times and everywhere while standing, sitting or laying down on your sides. Praise your Creator, the Exalted in Might, The Wise, repeatedly with (but not limited to) the words of:
- La ilaha illAllah (لآ اِلَـهَ اِلا َّ لله — There is no god but God)
- Subħān Allāh (سبحان الله — Glory be to God)
- Al-ħamdu li-llāh (الحمدلله — Praise be to God)
- Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر — God is most great / God is the greatest / God is greater)
The Messenger of God (PBUH) said, "Whoso recites Subħān Allāh (سبحان الله — Glory be to God) a hundred times in the evening (after asr), he will get the reward of a hundred Hajj. And whoso recites Al-ħamdu li-llāh (الحمدلله — Praise be to God) a hundred times in the morning (after fajr) and a hundred times in the evening (after asr), he will get the reward of donating a hundred horses to the mujahideen. And whoso recites La ilaha illAllah (لآ اِلَـهَ اِلا َّ لله — There is no god but God) a hundred times in the morning (after fajr) and a hundred times in the evening (after asr), he will get the reward of freeing a hundred slaves from the Children of Ismael (a.s.) And whoso recites Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر — God is most great / God is the greatest / God is greater) a hundred times in the morning (after fajr) and a hundred times in the evening (after asr), no one else would excel him in virtue on that day except that person who recites more Kalimaat than him. (Tirmidhi)
Furthermore, Anas (r.a.) tells us that one day the Messenger of God (PBUH) happened to pass by a tree the leaves of which had dried up. He struck it with a stick and the leaves began to fall. He told his Companions, "The words Al-ħamdu li-llāh (الحمدلله — Praise be to God), Subħān Allāh (سبحان الله — Glory be to God), La ilaha illAllah (لآ اِلَـهَ اِلا َّ لله — There is no god but God), and Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر — God is most great), shed a man's sins as this tree is shedding its leaves." (Tirmidhi)
There are, of course, other invocational Zikir's and prayers - if you are interested in receiving a powerful and comprehensive Zikir and Taffakkur program which includes the repetition of Divine names, supplications, sincere repentance, illuminated with aphorism from the Holy Quran and the traditions of the prophets and etc., please become a practicing member.
Finally, when praising Almighty God continually, you will notice a depth of contentment, peace, joy, and satisfaction that no materialistic diversion can provide! Experience how your seemingly grotesque problems and worries diminish in the Light of direct Divine blessings upon you.
"O ye who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often; And glorify Him morning and evening. He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers." (Quran 33:41-43)
May Almighty God give you success!
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